Convenient & Manageable
Everyone who needs orthodontic treatment deserves to have it. Our goal is to make paying for your orthodontic treatment convenient and manageable for your family.
At Smiles From the Hart, we know how important orthodontic treatment can be for our kids and for us too! Money should never be an obstacle to the care your family needs to thrive.
We offer several payment options, like auto-debit bank accounts, auto-debit credit card accounts, and monthly payment financing plans.
At your first free consultation visit, you‘ll receive an estimated treatment fee if Dr. Hart recommends treatment at that time. You’ll get given a definite treatment fee (a definite treatment fee can only be given only after Dr. Hart studies your comprehensive set of diagnostic records).
It’s our experience the estimated fee and the definite fee are very close. If you have questions about any of the above information, please don't hesitate to call us at (615) 890-7246 and speak to our New Patient Coordinator.
Our office is committed to helping you maximize your insurance benefits. Because insurance policies vary, we can only estimate your coverage in good faith but cannot guarantee coverage due to the complexities of insurance contracts.
If you have any questions, our courteous staff is always available to answer them. These questions should be addressed to our Financial & Insurance Coordinator.
Feel free to bring your dental insurance card so we can verify your benefits. It is important to keep us informed when you have an insurance change.
If, for any reason, your insurance company does not pay the estimated amount, the uncollected amount will be the patient's responsibility.